This Komagura Junmai "Kan Junmai" is a good entry point to the Junmai Kan-zaké world. Morinokura Saké maker designs this Saké has gentle sweetness and balance of Umemi and depth by a few years ageing.
SMV (a value shows dryness/sweetness) of this Saké is about the average of the Japanese Saké. However, It is a bit sweeter side compared to the average of Junmai Kan-zaké which SAKENET stocks. Also Saké will be sweeter when it is warmed. So it can be good for beginners. Please enjoy warmed "Kan Junmai" with food. It will be good with many different types of cuisines. And good at wide range of temperatures. Make it hot as 50 degrees Celsius, then you can enjoy it till it will be cool down to the room temperature.
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